Be Fashionable!

What is fashionable in your eyes?

Most people don't consider themselves too fashionable.  We often visualize ourselves through others views and perceptions, which can cause us to doubt ourselves when we attempt to live up to others' expectations. 

Do you know that God fashioned you with His own hands?
Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. Psalms 119:73
The thing about fashioning and/or creating something is that we take our time working on it.  Even if we make a mistake during the initial creation, we continue to work on it to its perfection.  We love to see a beautiful finished product.  God is not human, so unlike us, He doesn't make mistakes, everything that He created He looks at and calls it GOOD.
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You were fashioned by the Master Creator, the God of this Universe.  When He made you He looked you over and called you GOOD.  He gave you talents and gifts that make you unique compared to others. 

You were fashionable then and you are fashionable now.  You are fashionable in God's eyes, which means more than being fashionable to others.  Be the unique person that God created you to be. 
Step into life as your own fashionable self!

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via Daily Prompt: Fashionable


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