Depression in the Bible...Simon Peter
"Follow Me" A simple phrase was what compelled Peter to become a disciple. The story of Simon Peter is one of the greatest illustrations of a changed life. He was one of the boldest disciples with a life worth examining. Early Life Simon was born about 1 B.C. and died around A.D. 67. He was a Galilean fisherman from a village called Bethsaida. Peter was married. He is reportedly the first disciple called by Jesus along with his brother Andrew. Occupation Simon Peter was a fisherman when he met Jesus. Fishermen at that time were everything that we can imagine, rough and shabby. We wouldn't imagine someone well-polished and refined in speech. I can hear the conversations and believe that they weren't for the faint of heart. Fishing is a physical occupation and required a lot of strength in Simon Peter's day. Discipleship Jesus said "follow me" and Simon Peter literally put down all of his fishing sup...