Trust God is 1-2-3 Steps!

Have people let you down? Do you find yourself disappointed?  Have situations left you feeling hurt, alone, frustrated, depleted, etc?

It's not a cliche to hear someone say, "trust God".  I used to get upset when I heard this phrase.  I needed to feel better about my situation before I could trust anybody.  I had learned to trust myself and sometimes that was hard. I learned from witnessing ugly things time and time again that not to trust anyone for anything, at all. So no, I couldn't stand being told to "trust God".

Hearing it all of my life and hearing how it helped others didn't help me either.  I was just determined (unknowingly) to distrust God.  Little did I know how it would change my life for the BETTER.
You may be in a place in your life where you would ask, "HOW?"
  1. Talk to God.  The "how" was hard for me.  I had to first learn to tell God all that I was going through.  Yes, He "knows" everything, but the first step in trusting God is to give Him your feelings, thoughts, your friendship and treat Him as your Heavenly Father.  I became comfortable talking to God. I always have someone to talk to and it blesses me that when no one else is around, I never feel lonely.  God is an awesome Friend.
  2. Leave the problems there. As if it wasn't a process learning to talk to God day by day and sharing everything, I had to learn to leave the problems with Him.  I still have to remind myself to leave my problems with God.  The Bible teaches us to "cast our cares on Him, because He cares for us, 1 Peter 5:17, paraphrased.  To cast literally means to toss, dispose of, get rid of.  It's such a blessing when we can get this right.  He wants us to completely trust Him with whatever it is.
  3. Let God lead you. I know, I know, I know.  Your "HOW" just became louder.  You may be ready to just stop reading.  You've tried it.  You don't get it.  "What am I talking about," you may be saying?  Seriously, if you've talked to God and you've left your problem with Him, by now He's given you some peace of mind regarding your issue.  You may not have heard it yet and you may very well already know what to do.  There's a resolve inside of you to do something or stay still and let some things be.  The question is, "are you listening for the answer?"  The answer might not be what you want and that is where your trust really kicks in.  I can guarantee you this, it will work out simply because, you put your faith and your trust in Him!
I will tell you what so many people have told me before, "Trust God".  If you try Him you will see how sweet it is.  Trust Him with everything.  Share how it worked for you.  See how He blesses you each step of the way. He'll do it, if YOU trust Him!


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