Yes, You Can Bear It!
1 Corinthians 10:13
Yes, You Can Bear It!
To read the entire context of this scripture, go back and read verses 1-18. The scripture begins talking about people who became “caught up”, so to speak, in their situations.
Our Attitudes and Opinions
No matter what happens in our lives and we form an opinion and attitude towards the circumstance. It can be minor or major. We either like it or dislike it. Either way, it is our attitudes and our actions that produce the outcome of every situation that we encounter.
I know that that last sentence may have caught you off guard, it’s okay. Keep reading, I’ll make it clearer as we go on. You see, just like in the first 11 verses of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 10, the actions of the Israelites placed them in a worse position than they started in. There are times when we say and do things that place us in in terrible positions and when we look back we realize that there was another way to have handled things. Verse 6 says, “these things were our examples”. They continue to be examples for us.
What Can I Bear?
If you are anything like me, you are doing your best to live this life. With all that you put in (even with room for improvement), it seems as though there are times when everything on earth that can go wrong, just goes WRONG. What do you do when this happens? Is this your life now? If so, what are you doing now? What did you do the last time your life was in the holding pattern or worse, sliding down into a bottomless pit?
This is where the scripture brings us. First, in verse 12, we are warned to be careful, because we all have the ability to fall. We all mess up, we all get it wrong sometimes. Stop thinking, “I got this”, that thinking will cause you to fall. Verse 13, tell us that God gives us a way of escape so that you can bear all that you are going through.
That escape is God, Himself. He is the Great I AM! The beginning and the end. He loves you more than anyone on this earth and has a plan for your life so that you succeed, Jeremiah 29:11.
The Point!
Don’t fall in the trap of your situation. Stop and think about what you are going through. Don’t argue, don’t get depressed, don’t fight, don’t ignore the situation. Look to your God, Who has made a way of escape for you. Does that mean that you won’t deal with the situation? Of course not. This means that there is a way for you to deal with the situation and you won’t regret it tomorrow. You will be able to handle the situation with peace of mind and it won’t overtake you. The problem will go away in its own time, but it won’t consume you. When you let God give you your escape the outcome is in YOUR FAVOR, yes, it works out for YOUR GOOD!
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