His Gift to Us!

It's late in the day. I've spent time with God off and on today. I've enjoyed a great conversation or 2 about His goodness. It's been a blessed and busy day.

It is time to stop everything and spend 23 solid minutes with our Father. An eye-opening scripture about 1 of the greatest gifts that God has given us is what I looked at today.

Eye-opener: Sin leads to death. There's no way around it. If we continue in sin, death is the end result.

How do we stop sinning? Get closer to God. Spend time in His Word. Obey His Word. Pray. Pray. Listen and pray more. Ask God for the strength to not sin.

The Gift: Eternal Life with Christ. Face to face contact with the ONE who died to save you, Who loves you, supplies your needs and cares for you.

23 Minutes isn't enough to thank God for His wonderful gift to us.


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