Your Time Today...

By now, your 24 minutes with God might be completed. I've tried to post but I'm so full! My heart is filled with nothing but praises to our God!

My children Joi and Anthony, are both High School graduates! That may sound small to some but for me it's everything. If you really know me and my family this is an accomplished goal that was far from easy to obtain. God is amazing! When you give your life, your family and your home to Him, He WILL make the difference.

We've been through so much. Each of us have our share of testimonies about how much we lost, how many people left on their own, how many are no longer here with us, how many times God made ways over and over again.

We all have our stories, but I can say, my story is simple...IT'S GOD!

I owe God my life! He took us through audio many storms and battles without a scratch. I thank Him everyday! I can't praise Him enough. God is the lover of my soul! I thank Him for His blessings.


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