
Showing posts from 2017

Today! Your Question...Your Time!

Do you know that God wants you to be happy? Are you struggling with feelings of depression, despair, loneliness? Do you care for someone who's struggling with depression? Do you have a question about what you're going through? It's your time! Visit us on Facebook at: Depression No More Or Instagram at: Depression No More

5 Ways to Help Your Loved one Through the Holiday Season!

What if you are not depressed and it’s your loved one that suffers from depression through the holiday, thereby causing you to feel a little down too.  We covered surviving the holiday weekend last year, .   It’s always a good article to refer back to.   Here are 5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Through the Holiday Season!: 1.         Pray. (Did you expect something else coming from me?, LOL)  Lay everything before God.  Write it if you need to.  The Bible speaks of making our petitions known to God.  List how you feel and what you’ve experienced.  Ask God to hold your loved one through this season and ask God to strengthen you to be the support that they need . 1 John 5:14, 15 14  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:   15  And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we d

Happy Thanksgiving!

From My Family to Yours... Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Are You Ready for the Holidays?

Good Day! Are you ready for the holidays?  Are you excited about getting together with your friends and family for either the main event or several events? I'd love to hear how you handle the holiday season.  Tell us about it!


Real Satisfaction!

Recap: Satisfaction Matthew 5:6 and a bonus Isaiah 55:1,2. What do you want?  What are you doing? The Bible tells us that Jesus saw the crowd, and He opened His mouth and taught. For our every action there is a reaction. Now a little deeper... What do you really want? What will satisfy you? What will keep you? What is it that you can't live without? You may think money, friends, cars, houses. I can tell you that I've had many things in my life but nothing, nothing, nothing compares to JESUS! After everything is said and done, give me Jesus! My soul longs for Him! No one else can satisfy. Nothing else will ever fulfil me! Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 KJV Listen to what God says to Isaiah in the 55th chapter.. Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink - even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk - it's all free! Why spend your money on that does not give you strength? Why pay for

My #WAR Story @ #sheplants Today!

My  # WAR  story for today!  I learned how to put God first in my life when it came to my relationships. I was known as a girl who, "always had a man". I was proud to always meet someone's Mama. What many did not realize is that I was also unhappy. What appeared good was usually only an outward appearance. I struggled with men who were insecure and possessive. It is absolutely nerve wrecking and dangerous having stalkers in your life, not to mention what I suffered because of t hem. I struggled with my own insecurities and loneliness through my entire first marriage. In most of my relationships I spoke to God well after I was waist deep in quicksand. Was it all horrible? If you know me, you would say, "girl, you were happy!" Sometimes I was, but the evidence is where those relationships are today. I'm glad that they're over. How does a relationship last when you can't pray for one another? How can God bless a relationship that He's n

He's Loyal!

Have you experienced a time when everyone left you and you felt that you needed them the most at that time? Have you ever been friendless? Have you ever known someone who was always around until the moment that you needed them and then POOF! they’re gone? Sometimes one of the hardest things in the world to find is someone who is LOYAL.  By today’s standards it is much more attractive to be selfish.  The only problem with being selfish is that we all encounter times in our lives when we need other people.  Being selfish doesn’t help when the person who’s been selfish in now in need of other people. Do you know that God is LOYAL?  Yes, He really, really is.  He promised to never leave us.  He’s always there to help us.  He’s always by our side.  All that we have to do is call Him. In the Amplified Bible, Hebrews 13:5 says… Let your character [your moral essence, your inner nature] be free from the love of money [shun greed—be financially ethical], being content with what

Do You Believe that You CAN be Happy?

Do you believe that you can be happy? Does it ever enter your mind that you can live a life where you can be at peace with yourself and others? Have you allowed fear, depression, anxiety or the other ills of this life cause you to feel completely hopeless? Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go; it will be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was restored to health at that very hour. Matthew 8:13 (AMP) What do you believe?  Do you believe that you are supposed to feel down?  Do you feel that you are supposed to be hopeless?  Do you believe that depression is your life?  In my post  Do You Want to Be Happy? , I cover why these feelings, while we experience them, that is all that they are meant to be experiences.  These experiences build you, they are not irrelevant. It's time that you believe that you can be happy!  It is God's desire that we live happy lives, even if we don't feel happy every day.  We have the capability in God to live in peace while

Just feeling blessed! Meet my fam and hear my story.


Be Fashionable!

What is fashionable in your eyes? Most people don't consider themselves too fashionable.  We often visualize ourselves through others views and perceptions, which can cause us to doubt ourselves when we attempt to live up to others' expectations.  Do you know that God fashioned you with His own hands? Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. Psalms 119:73 The thing about fashioning and/or creating something is that we take our time working on it.  Even if we make a mistake during the initial creation, we continue to work on it to its perfection.  We love to see a beautiful finished product.  God is not human, so unlike us, He doesn't make mistakes, everything that He created He looks at and calls it GOOD . You were fashioned by the Master Creator, the God of this Universe.  When He made you He looked you over and called you GOOD.  He gave you talents and gifts that make you unique compared to others.  You

It's #tbt here at DNM!

This is a #tbt from one of my earlier posts!

On YouTube with my daughter!

It's #tbt here at DNM!

This is from our first post back on 4/19/16. It was a Tip of the Day!

I Messed Up Yesterday!

I let someone upset me. Yes, I realize that people will upset us in life, but I allowed someone to get me angry. I didn’t look to God for almost an hour and even when I did, it wasn’t for long. What happened? I’m at work and our new supervisor was out at training. While he was out we had several emergencies that we handled in his absence. The end of the day approached and I provided him with a status update and informed him that I needed to leave for the day. While informing him that I was leaving I advised him that he needed to ask to be excused from the training that he was attending to free him to be involved in sorting out the emergencies. His response to me: “It is a problem that  you  can’t accommodate working additional hours and be a team player”. I didn’t remind him that I had already worked an additional hour. At the time of his writing I was already passed my closing time, trying to “help”. I responded: “Thank you for the kind words, as I am still here working.” I then

It's Time for YOU 2 Be Happy!

Have you ever openly admitted that you were depressed?  How did you feel after you were done?  Do you know someone who has confided in you that they are depressed?  How did they feel after their admission? Maybe you had or you have no one to talk to?  Maybe you have a loved one who won't talk about it. James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Did you know that you can tell God anything?  You can also encourage someone else to tell God anything. Psalm 18:6 In my distress I called upon the  Lord , and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears. My point is this:  When we admit that we are feeling sad, lonely, disinterested, etc., it takes a weight off of us.  It's wise and it's smart to be honest with the way that we actually feel.  When we approach how we feel honestly, we are talking directly

It's #tbt here at DNM!


Encouragement About Your "Words"

In my past I was known for telling people "off".  It was my reputation.  Living with this sin right beside me I took pride in being able to hurt people with my words.  I did not realize that one day I would deal with the consequence of "not caring" how others took my words.  To add, I didn't realize that hurtful words would come from different people or rather, from those that I would not expect it from. In response to my "receiving" what I had given out so often, I developed a tough skin.  I convinced myself that words just wouldn't hurt me.  I built a wall around myself and kept going.  What did hurt were the relationships that died as result of the words being exchanged.  I could forgive someone for the things that they had said and I could ask for forgiveness for the things that I said, but relationships were stalled or left for dead thereafter. I lost precious years with a dear loved one because neither of us knew the right "words&quo

School Prayer!


Let's Pray for a Wall of Protection...


Pray for Those Affected by Harvey!

Please join me in prayer, from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST, from wherever you are, as we flood heaven on behalf of everyone affected by Harvey. Pray for lives to be saved, rescue-efforts, food and supplies, shelter and safety, and a quick turnaround. Pray for those that are helping that they will be strengthened for the task ahead of them. With God all things are possible!

Trust God is 1-2-3 Steps!

Have people let you down? Do you find yourself disappointed?  Have situations left you feeling hurt, alone, frustrated, depleted, etc? It's not a cliche to hear someone say, "trust God".  I used to get upset when I heard this phrase.  I needed to feel better about my situation before I could trust anybody.  I had learned to trust myself and sometimes that was hard. I learned from witnessing ugly things time and time again that not to trust anyone for anything, at all. So no, I couldn't stand being told to "trust God". Hearing it all of my life and hearing how it helped others didn't help me either.  I was just determined (unknowingly) to distrust God.  Little did I know how it would change my life for the BETTER . You may be in a place in your life where you would ask, " HOW? " Talk to God .  The "how" was hard for me.  I had to first learn to tell God all that I was going through.  Yes, He "knows" everything, but the

8 Ways to Get GOOD Sleep!

Can I brag about God? Thanks to Him, my heavenly Father, I don’t have sleepless nights. He’s been so good to me in this area. Without a formula I’m going to share what I believe will help you. Get your favorite night cap, hopefully it’s water or tea and let’s get some sleep! Read ! Yes, read! Read your Bible. Read 1 verse, 1 passage, 1 chapter or a book. Ask God to make each word plain to you. Make sure that you understand what you’ve read. This practice will put you in position to begin your nighttime routine. His Word will comfort you to sleep and provide you with instructions for the next day.  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8 KJV. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105 KJV Get Rid of the Problems of the

Strengthen Me!

Psalm 119:28 28  My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. There will be days when we feel beat up.  There are days when the weight of the world is on our shoulders. It is in those hard times that we must tell God our truth.  We must confess how we really feel. Lord, I'm hurt.  Lord, I'm tired.  Lord, I don't think I can handle this anymore. When we pour out our heart to God, we are giving Him access to comfort and strengthen us.  His Word says, that He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us.  His Word says, He uplifts us with His right hand.  His Word says, I have loved you with an everlasting love.  His Word says, cast all of your cares on Me. I pray that as you go through this weekend that the Word of God strengthens you for whatever and everything that you are facing.



Doug Addison: 'August: 50 Days to Breakthrough!'

Doug Addison: 'August: 50 Days to Breakthrough!'

5 Reasons to Have "The Talk"!

AUGUST 8, 2017  BY  DEPRESSION NO MORE! 5 Reasons to Have “The Talk”! What talk am I talking about?  Have you talked to God today?  Why am I asking this? Because it is important to  ALWAYS  pray. Prayer does the following for us: Helps us to get closer to God. Builds our relationship with God. Allows us to clear our minds. Gives us the strength needed to move forward. Praying to God gives us peace of mind.    Luke 21:36 (36) Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

He Will Save You!

Do you ever feel like no one can help you? Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in sorrow, pain and troubles? Do you ever feel like no one is on your side? I have felt all of this and so much more.  I’ve felt loneliness to the extent that I carried it around and it felt like a raw and open sore in my stomach.  I longed to be loved, held and taken care of.  While I no longer feel lonely.  I still have the desire to be taken care of.  Sometimes it hurts to care for others , even if you are not looking for a return on your investment, it would feel nice if someone loved on you once in a while. That’s why I thank God for this scripture. When people feel the need to push their ideas on me –  the LORD is my judge. When others want me to do things their way –  the LORD is my lawgiver. When I am asked to do things outside of the will of God –  the LORD is my King! When I feel lost because of everything going on –  the LORD will save me! For the  Lord  is our judge, the 

It's A Tuesday-to-Talk-About It!

 Yes, it's a Tuesday-to-Talk-About-It! Are you being blessed by #summerpsalms? What's your favorite? Tell us what's on your mind.

Introducing Our New Page! Take A Look!

On our Wordpress Page we've added a New Page called: Poetry, #soulzpoe3 Check it out!   Poetry #soulzpoe3

Follow My Blog with Bloglovin!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> Bloglovin'


Good Morning! Have you ever been mistreated,  mishandled, abused or simply misunderstood? David goes before God in this 35th Psalm. Read about it and be encouraged that God hears EVERY prayer. #summerpsalms Plead my cause, O Lord , with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them. Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them. For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destru

Strength that only God Can Give!

The Strength that only God can Give! This morning we are reading Psalm 18:29-45. Let's Review the chapter so far... Thank God for Who He is in your life. vs. 1-3 Deal with the issues. vs. 4-19 Acknowledge that God is in Control. vs. 20-29 ---------and NOW--------- Receive God's strength to make it! vs. 29 -45 God bless you today as we continue to read and study the 18th Psalm! #summerpsalms

Unwanted Weight


God is Able!

This chapter reads like some of the most powerful prayers we've heard. It starts with praise in verses 1-3. It then discusses the problem or issues in verses 4-19. Now in Psalm 18:20 - 29, we acknowledge God's power. When have you seen the power of God in your life?

Don't Mess With a Child of God!

We’re still reading Psalm 18! When you look back over your life, how has God answered some of your most urgent prayers? Read David’s account in verses 4 – 19.